1870 Ocean Boulevard, Rye, NH 03870
Minutes from Portsmouth or Hampton, picturesque Rye Harbor is nestled cozily into the scenic shoreline. As the closest mainland port to the Isles of Shoals, Rye Harbor bustles with a myriad of maritime activities. Ample parking ($5.00 per car) and direct ocean access add convenience to this quaint locale.
Rye Harbor From The Air.
From the Portsmouth Traffic Circle:
Take Exit for Rte. 1 ByPass South; proceed 2 miles to the set of traffic lights at Elwyn Rd. Take left onto Elwyn Rd. and follow to Rte. 1A South; Continue to Rye Harbor State Marina. (Total distance from Elwyn Rd to Rye Harbor - 7.5 miles)
From Manchester and points West:
Follow 101 East to Rt 111 East (Exit 12- No Hampton, Exeter); Follow 111 East for 6.5 miles To Rt 1A; Go left onto Rt 1A for 3.5 miles To Rye Harbor State Marina.
From points South:
Follow 495 N to 95 N; take Exit 2 (Rte. 101) emerging from toll booth take 101 West for 1.6 miles to first exit (Exit 12, Rte. 111 East). Follow 111 East for 6.5 miles To Rt 1A; Go left onto Rt 1A for 3.5 miles To Rye Harbor State Marina.
Minutes from Portsmouth or Hampton, picturesque Rye Harbor is nestled cozily into the scenic shoreline. As the closest mainland port to the Isles of Shoals, Rye Harbor bustles with a myriad of maritime activities. Ample parking ($5.00 per car) and direct ocean access add convenience to this quaint locale.
Rye Harbor From The Air.
From the Portsmouth Traffic Circle:
Take Exit for Rte. 1 ByPass South; proceed 2 miles to the set of traffic lights at Elwyn Rd. Take left onto Elwyn Rd. and follow to Rte. 1A South; Continue to Rye Harbor State Marina. (Total distance from Elwyn Rd to Rye Harbor - 7.5 miles)
From Manchester and points West:
Follow 101 East to Rt 111 East (Exit 12- No Hampton, Exeter); Follow 111 East for 6.5 miles To Rt 1A; Go left onto Rt 1A for 3.5 miles To Rye Harbor State Marina.
From points South:
Follow 495 N to 95 N; take Exit 2 (Rte. 101) emerging from toll booth take 101 West for 1.6 miles to first exit (Exit 12, Rte. 111 East). Follow 111 East for 6.5 miles To Rt 1A; Go left onto Rt 1A for 3.5 miles To Rye Harbor State Marina.